Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let's Review

I bought my house in January 2006.  It's a cookie cutter cottage in Birmingham, Alabama.  My house is small but it's plenty enough for me.  When I moved in, I painted a few of the rooms while others stayed with the paint choices of the previous owners.  When my roommate, Julie, moved out in March, I received some sort of magical inspiration to renovate the bathroom she had been using.  Bless her soul, that place was UGLY.  Lots of brass, lineoleum, and bad lighting.  Here are the before and after photos.

My latest inspiration... the floors.  The carpet is old and warn and REALLY needs to be replaced.  I have Pergo in the kitchen and ugly tile in the foyer.  I guess I've watched too much DIY Network or HGTV because I'm convinced I can lay hardwoods all on my own.  Right now the plan is to eventually replace the carpet in the bedrooms but everywhere else (save the bathrooms) will have hardwoods.

Over the last week or so, I have been in demolition mode.  I moved all of the furniture out of the living room and I have stashed it in various other rooms in my house.
yes, that's a couch in my bedroom

The tile is officially out of the foyer... even all the thinset I had to chisel away.

The carpet is out of the living room and down the hallway.

Tomorrow I plan to clean the floor well, fill the holes left from the carpet tacks, and hopefully, paint the moulding.  Once the living room is complete, I'll do this all again in the kitchen.  I didn't take apart the kitchen at this point since I'm trying to stay in the house while I make all these changes.  Also, I needed a place to stash all 27 boxes of hardwood.
I never noticed how cluttered the side of my fridge appears.  I'll work on that later!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for doing this...what a woman! Call me if you want some help, although I'm not sure what good I would be. Thanks for including the photos.
